The Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport (PHF) is a vital resource for the greater Hamptons Road metropolitan area in the state of Virginia. Located in Warwick County and owned by the Peninsula Airport Commission, the airport’s history dates back to Fort Patrick Henry. Join us as we map out plans for future growth and economic development over the next 20 years.

What is a Master Plan?

A Master Plan is a study used to determine the long-term development plans for an airport, addressing the development needs for a 20-year time period. The Master Plan process provides opportunities for political entities and the public to participate in the development of aviation plans. It provides a framework for individual development programs consistent with short, intermediate, and long-range airport systems and financial requirements.


What are the Goals?

  • Provide a roadmap for future decision-making.
  • Develop plans to continue to adhere to FAA guidelines.
  • Develop plans to use airport property more efficiently to attract businesses.
  • Ensure environmental compatibility.
  • Prepare terminal facilities to address aircraft fleet changes and future aviation demand, including eVTOL.
  • Improve efficiency, safety, and sustainability.

Why is a Plan Necessary?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires commercial service airports to re-examine their Master Plan every 7 to 10 years to account for industry changes. The last Master Plan was completed in 2014 and hinged on recent changes in regional air service and airline operational policy. This Master Plan reviews the past as well as the future to determine what the airport will look like and how it will function.

Technical Advisory Committee

The Technical Advisory Committee is comprised of key stakeholders of the airport facility. The committee is responsible for providing valuable input to the planning team on operational issues at the airport, mostly focusing on operations within the airport fence.


  • Meeting 1: Kickoff and SWOT Analysis

    Meeting #1 introduces what a Master Plan includes and why it is being undertaken. A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis is conducted. The overall planning process and general timeframes are also discussed.

  • Meeting 2: Technical Advisory Committee Meeting

    Inventory and Forecast Review - Meeting #2 presents findings of the SWOT analysis and the airport facilities inventory to create the base work for comparison in future meetings. A high-level discussion of the forecasting effort will be discussed to include airport activity, including passenger enplanements and operations as well as general aviation operations.


  • Meeting 3: Demand Capacity and Facility Requirements

    Meeting #3 reviews the forecasted demand and facility needs to compare with the existing inventory and infrastructure available for aviation use. Items include various airside elements (runways, taxiways, aprons, and navigational aids) as well as landside elements (automobile access and parking, roadways and terminal needs).

  • Meeting 4: Capital Improvement and Layout Plan

    Meeting #4 presents the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) - a graphic depiction of proposed improvements to the airport and the breakdown of the development into the three phases of the Airport Capital Improvement Plan. The plan will focus on the short-term development (0-5 years), mid-term development (6-10 years), and long-term development (10-20 years). The ALP is the second most critical element of the master planning process that is submitted to the FAA for concurrence.

Public Workshops

The public is invited to attend a Public Workshop to learn about future development and modernization of the Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport (PHF). The workshop will concentrate on the existing facilities and areas for improvement as well as how to develop the airport to meet the Master Plan requirements.

Existing Facilities and Forecasts – Thur, Dec 14, 2023 at 6:30 PM
The workshop presents the existing airport facilities and forecast of aviation activity at the airport.

Public Meeting Invite Presentation

Airport Layout Plan – TBD
The workshop presents the Airport Layout Plan, a graphic depiction of how any deficiencies will be addressed and how future growth will be accommodated.